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  1. ok cause just by watching it it seems pretty legit to me thanks for your suggestions
  2. What do you guys think of the correction feature? Does it look legit to you? Do you even use it online?
  3. Prediction is all fine by me. But wait late as i said especially on dt maps looks unlegit cause it aint "smooth" or legit key pressing in my opinion.
  4. Thanks. So its more legit to have both options on? Or am i miss understanding smthng? When i have wait late on its seems pretty unlegit for me. Especially on dt maps(6.5*) when im to slow i dont miss i just get a very late 100rd.
  5. After the new update there is a feature called "wait late". But what does it exactly do? i cant figure it out... Same as Direction Prediction. It seems to have no impact of my gameplay when i have these two on or off
  6. I dont know why but it seems my interface is broken: https://prnt.sc/ksnet2 I cant edit anything in there any fix?
  7. as the title said i dont have any access to my old email because i forgot the email... is it possible to copple the accounts otherway?
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