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ZZZ333 last won the day on April 9 2020

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54 Excellent

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  1. Bought Nice OSU account, Trade went smooth and fast gave me time to change details etc. Also gave me tips. I recommend buying for sure.

    EDIT: Tried to take the account back the next day which wasn't possible because I deleted the old email now he has contacted the support to get his account back..


    EDIT 2: I'm retarded :I He sent me a new a account and we resolved this shit 🙂

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ZZZ333


      what are you talking about

    3. mrdee


      EDIT: Talked to him on discord, seems he sells accounts for other people and it was the guy who he sold it for who scammed me.

      I'm sorry for the trouble I caused you.


      He sent me a new account and was still friendly with me even when I was being an ass because I thought he fucked me but hes a good guy. I recommend buying after all.


      Disregard any of my negative shit I'm an ass and jumped to the wrong conclusion

    4. ZZZ333


      We both made some mistakes, so it's fine, we learnt the lesson well

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