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Posts posted by Pepe

  1. 7 minutes ago, rumoi said:

    If you fail to get your original account back you wont be objectively detected if you have a new computer and different IP. But keep in mind you have to play like actual trash for quite a while to re integrate into the community. You have to play under 10 pp scores and the such just like a real new player.

    Sorry for double posting. I would prefer to answer that separately.

    It should be doable, I guess. Are there any advices how to play like actual trash. Like, I could obviously just use very abstruse keybinds hard to reach with my finger or set the mouse dpi too low / high to screw up really bad. And if so, is there a guideline when / how to improve? For example: First 10 hours: less than 10 pp, next 30 hours: 10-20pp and so on? I would appreciate if you can send me a link or something, when something like that exists.

  2. I mean, I wouldn't really care if they knew about that. Worst case they would accuse me of multi accounting and delete my desired account. At least that's how I heard they handle it. Plus, if I say it is one of my sibling's they have no way to actually prove me wrong or whatever. I never uploaded a single score with said account.


    Edit: Also I mainly want to make a new account because I just hate the username of said account. I cannot just buy a new username since they see my credentials that I also used for payments on my actual main account. Too much of a risk.

  3. Hello there,

    I am new to the forums, so please excuse me if I posted in the wrong section of the forum. Feel free to move this thread to the appropriate place.

    So basically I am planning to make a new account. My old account got banned 2 years ago and I have not been on osu since then. During this time I also bought a new computer and I got a different router. I am still in the same location as before however. Basically my IP and all the important things should have changed with the new computer and router, right? Can they still detect who I am solely on my current location (since it is still the same)? Do I still have to use dejavu or should I be safe making a new account?

    Mind you, a year ago I made an account on this computer but I did not really play with it. The biggest risk would be that they find out about the unused account and I could just say it's one of my siblings' accounts but they never bothered to play (It was literally logged in on Bancho for maybe... a minute? Then never again.) As long as I play safe and do not make OP scores from the beginning I should be fine without Dejavu, shouldn't I?

    I appreciate the help! Thank you!

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