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Posts posted by Mayuzo

  1. why spare was accused in the first place ? yes , because people know that aqn released the cheat . 

    but what if , they dont know? what if AA were an exclusive private features. if only its that

    for example if in timewarp you have the ability to slowdown animation  , then a handful of people who have that can make ton of fake  speed up liveplay . and that makes not only people cant proof you timewarping , but they cant find the possibility of you cheating in the first place because they dont know what cheat ur using.  thats is just an example .    and what happen with aim assist is different , although people cant directly proof youre using aim assist , they would still consider the possibilty that you cheat because theres this new cheat called aim assist  . which is what i would like to avoid most , beacuse that can lead to a snowball effect.

    the point of hidden features is to avoid people like that sunavabitch who leaked the aim assist and successfully lead the bandwagon of spares hackusation .  now spare has a very bad reputation /credibilty in he has to play legit . and people like kimmy- , badgraph are getting banned quicker because people would just call ""AIM ASSIST"" and POOF they gone (even though they really used it) . those two at the very least couldve stayed longer if AA werent leaked . im not worried about retardsday , there are smarter witchunter out there 

  2. On 7/2/2020 at 9:41 PM, tux006 said:

    streaming while injected is very brave, i respect that. there are too many checks right now to see if somebody has injected aqn, i wouldn't risk that

    what do you mean by checks? anti cheat? if so then worry not because osu has no such thing

  3. on the github page it says that you should open a "osudoggymomentsfinder.exe" .... but... i only found the .sln and .csproj , any idea? sorry if this question is dumb

    reason why i wanted to use it is because i want to check on my own replay hoping to correct every anomalies found from the replay analyzer , those osu reports cop are so damn persistent on doing their job

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