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Posts posted by Shinryu

  1. you lolicons are way too cute.

    come near me and I will kick your PP.

    I'm a karate-99DAN-BELT.


    Putain de bonjour de bonsoir il n'y a pas le feu au lac.

    Passe moi une pâte que je nettoie la table elle est horrible.

  2. ça marche au pire comme dit tu peux toujours ask sur discord, en esperant que t'auras pas de soucis d'ici la semaine mais si tu sais ce que tu fais normalement tu devrais être clean.

  3. Perso je vais bien juste des ignorant par si par là qui me font rire sinon je look 1 2 video + discord en attendant de la bouffe.

    Prend un vpn gratuit ou payant (payant ça seras toujours mieux.)
    + avec le loader si tu as une subscription généralement avec dejavu tu peux te créer un nouveau compte avec le vpn

    mais perso je n'use rien de tout ça sauf pour le vpn ^^'

    faudras seulement eviter de faire mass PP en STD/CTB sinon tu te fais restricted instant

    taiko/mania tes safe si tu sais ce que tu fais.


    Si tu as besoin d'aide avec plus détails ou si tu as des questions tu peux toujours donner ton discord en message privée (pas en public.)

  4. retarded? that just a information chill down dude you can't accept any suggestion/critical? when I say it would need more feature, like :

    More dots

    see the dot at the current AR of the map, and next circle after a pause.

    From my testing once you learn to follow the green dot instead of actually reading the map even ar 8 forced to ar 10 looked like i was reading ar 8.

      from the same map I say I doubt it and allready tried.




    If new feature come next well good for us.


  5. Yeah I know don't worry HAHA you're not gonna play ar4 but I mean the green dot it's not perfect actually and would need few more feature so it would be more "perfect" and "optimised" so it would be way less detectable.

    well I mean you can still use ar hack withouth it that's not a problem if you know what you did ;)

  6. the change ar I would not sugest it.

    why? Just take a Bikko map(the red one.) play with EZ try ar10. (wich the map would be ar4) you're gonna see the GREEN thing is pretty MEH. and when you look at the replay is obvious you used a ar hack so I would say be carefull and wait for a better version of it or atleast more setting about it. ❤️

    HD remover is pretty fine ^_^

  7. so boring to always wait when you don't have any idea when is fixed 1 hour? 1 day 10 days? 1 month 2 months? haha

    well I don't know why my friend it would work and not me, he have his window updated not me so.. I just try to update and see the result  ^_^

    but I hope it will be fixed soon :(

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