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Product Reviews posted by Lycoris

    Timewarp (1000 Tokens)

    $10/30 days

    Doesn't have any issues whatsoever, recommend this program but play safe and for different speeds I recommend only lowering by 0.10 at most - like so it looks pretty good to the viewer.

  1. Does what is says, it is pretty easy to work with it and doesn't really require a long learning curve.

    However as of writing this review, it does not work on a lot of old maps, many from 2007 and good amount from 2008, so expect this until it is fixed which right now isn't looking like it will be any time soon.

    Enlighten (1000 Tokens)

    $10/30 days

    Works as expected, no issues for me.

    However at the time of writing this review, FL removal part of enlighten does not work as it used to - meaning that if you want to use it... you'll have to turn on the included overlay that sets you to a specific skin; which right now is NOT customizable and is pretty bare bones. Stuff like combo colors, combo numbers (order), current spectators, custom cursor size, accuracy/map time are all missing. I have no doubts that these will be added later down the line, but just as a side note for things that are missing right now.

    Overall a good little program if you fancy yourself a new account without all the hassle associated with the manual steps you would have to take otherwise, and of course the just as useful tool for editing approach rate and removing that pesky hidden/flashlight effect.

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