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Posts posted by Hinamizawa

  1. 7 minutes ago, Bunga said:

    Just wanted to ask whether any hacks that are bought are auto renewed or if they have to be bought again manually

    You will have to renew it yourself (manually), when you buy a hack/script/bot/editor go to store> manage purchases and you will see when it will expire and/or the renew button.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, Jakads said:

    if i have an account made in like 9y old ago, but 0 playcount/time/etc (aka blank account)
    should i still follow those steps?

    First day : 40pp
    Second day : 80pp

    Yo, Im afraid to answer you this question normally speaking, No you should be fine but I don't wanna risk your account being banned its 9 years old thats some pretty number your 1 year from 10 :x


    But awhile back I found this.



    Myself I have done it with a 6-8 year old account (but I play taiko) and got to rank 5k in 2 days.

    And im still not banned and lets go 1 step deeper, ive made some alts and there like 1 week old and are close to entering top 10k with like 2k PP and less then 10 hour.

    What you have to worry the most about is people checking your graph.

    Also they will check your top performance(since your prob not a noob you will have big gap in your top performance like a bunch of 150 PP and randomly a 225 PP a person stuck at his rank would be getting lots of same PP and lower) and your playcount on maps and playcount in general.

    But if I have to answer, you should be fine but I don't wanna tell you 100% go for it 😛 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  3. 14 minutes ago, Kuuhaku said:

    Thanks so much again.


    do I have to be upgraded user in order to view how déjàvu works? Says I don’t have permission to see it.

    No, the moment you buy any cheat/hack/bots you will get dejavu with the cheat/hack/bot/editor.
    The moment you buy aquila tokens you become upgraded user too.

    I think by assumption Rumoi/Kev lets you get dejavu thinking most people here are here to evade or multi-account and/or Make an alt to cheat on so they dont risk there main.


    If your talking about the thread uhhhh I have no idea Lol maybe you have to verify your account in your email? im not sure lol , but if its about where to find dejavu its the above message i wrote.

    • Like 1
  4. 6 minutes ago, Kuuhaku said:

    Thanks so much man!

    Btw is the cheat even detectable by the anticheat?

    will do all steps 🙂

    Well they havn't been running screenshot and/or background running programms in 2 years or more (can't remember out of my head) so your safe as it gets.

    Just remember if you make an account dont expect to pull insane Performance Point on first few days.

    You should cook your account for 1 week (just play random stupid stuff) 


    Follow these steps and you should be fine.

    Keep in mind if you buy Enlighten don't go spamming Flashlight on maps (osu!reddit/report will find youuuuu and they will report you there), but then again you got 50 account slots on dejavu so you should be able to play/create/cook 50 accounts.

    If you need a more in depth guide of Dejavu how it works and how to stay unbanned.
    check this thread.

    If  you want a fast quick to the point guide:

    Further more you can also buy an osu account from someone with enough vouches that you can trust on this site. 
    just make sure you pick an account thats atleast 1 year old 😛

    • Thanks 1
  5. 6 minutes ago, Kuuhaku said:

    So recently got back into osu and am currently trying to get my main unrestricted.


    will using this affect my appeal process at all? (Assuming I don’t go blatant at all). Just worried about detection and stuff.

    Hey Kuuhaku, 

    Listen my brother from another country :v

    Aslong as you use Dejavu and a VPN and You promise yourself everytime you open osu you do the following steps:

    1. Open osu client with remember username and password disabled.
    2. VPN is open (not free VPN preferly)
    3. Open Dejavu and pick a slot like lets say slot number 10? and click update
    4. THENNNN you can log in on your alt and/or create that alt 

    5. DONT ever ever forget any of the following steps and your good to go :v

    Just if you forget dejavu say goodbye to your appeal they will know you multi account and restrict you within 4 hours and you will have to wait 3-6 months to write an appeal then another 1 week to 6 month for them to reply to your appeal.

    Image once you load up your AQN loader file that you bought.


    I can promise you it works, cause ive done it before 😛 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Toassttyyyy said:

    How do i use dejavu? is there any tutorials?

    Basically what the above post link said, but if you dont know where the misc tab is.
    1. Just load your AQN loader once osu is open. 

    2. pick your cheat/hack


    4. Choose a Dejavu Slot, you want to use for example if you have more then 1 account you can pick slot 1.

    5. Once you pick the slot you want make sure you use a VPN before logging in.

    6. When your done with setting it all up, just log in and go play on your new account.

    7. Have fun

    7.5. Id recommand keeping remember Username And password off so it doesnt auto log in when you open client, lets say for example you close the game after being all drunk and/or forgot to log off and you wake up the next day logging in automaticly on your main/evading/multi account and cause a pandora box to open.

  7. 3 hours ago, wanpi said:

    Pretty much already answered.

    I'm just curious how is a score without 50 hits suspicious? Unless you're really low ranked or your overall gameplay is bad, i don't see a reason why would you want to hit 50 on purpose. (talking about 4-6* maps with regular bpm and patterns)

    Sometimes paranoia hit people without needing any drugs or he probably read a bunch of osu report (https://www.reddit.com/r/osureport/) on reddit and thinks there after him :v

    Or he just wants to lower the chance in general I guess 😛

  8. 15 hours ago, Toassttyyyy said:

    why is there no longer a option to change server (Bancho, Ripple)

    There's still that client you could use to switch to ripple, you can find it on there site.


    Just make sure Osu is closed before you switch, then log in or activate your AQN loader incase you need to use dejavu/load your stuff in before you log in.



  9. 4 hours ago, jimjam789 said:

    How do i get 50s in relax mode? I know how to get 100s but when the page says 0 50s it looks very suspicous.

    CTRL + ALT  from what I have heard/Seen.


    Didn't know if you where the person asking and if you got your answers or not.

  10. Closest answer ive found to your Question, Also from my own experience I made an account played it and got PP after 1 week I stopt playing and came back 4 months later and was doing Oni and Muzukashi with DT but keep in mind I played taiko instead of std so idk if there is a difference in the PP because i was hitting maps with Hr muzu( random 60-100 PP) on 1st day which didnt trigger auto restrict. 


  11. On 7/15/2019 at 9:55 AM, KabuuMBarabooM said:

    yes it happened to me so many times plus the account i logged in on the site was restricted but the one i was playing on was fine at the same time so don't worry ^^

    Oo so basically you logged in on a restricted account, while playing your none-restricted account and nothing happend? (while probably on the same IP) and did you had to clear your cookies or something or it doesn't matter.

  12. 40 minutes ago, Deallly said:

    You can log into a multi with the same computer as your main but you must have a VPN on at all times just to be safe.

    I've logged into multiple multis with the same computer on the website and none of them are banned.

    Thanks for the reply,

    one last question for you, have you ever been playing on 1 account and was on the website with a different by acsident lol.

  13. Odd question for the multi account users,


    do you have to log in thru a different computer/mac adress on the website too. (assuming VPN is a must 100%, but what about computer name)


    Only for website log in tho, not client I understand the client part, but was curious to how you guys use the website.

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