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Everything posted by hhhh

  1. hhhh

    professional timbit

  2. How about you dm Rumoi?
  3. Just dm Rumoi on discord
  4. You create it once you inject aqn into osu :o
  5. In the menu, go to the miscellaneous tab and select streamer mode.
  6. I don’t think it’s worth to charge for a normally sped up liveplay. I could fake liveplays with replay edits, and I’d still do it for free.
  7. I don't think he's doing this anymore lol
  8. I'll do this for free
  9. Since a lot of people were asking for this, I decided to release all of these NordVPN accounts for you guys. I know that some of their subscriptions have ended and I know that a few of them might not work; however, there are more than enough that still work. All you need to do is to download the .txt file, open it up, and find a NordVPN account that works for you. AQN_Nord_Vpns.txt
  10. Hi Devli. If you still need vpns, I have a couple txt files with 70 cracked accts for Nord vpn in each. Just @ me in the discord (@Klirikzzz) and I’ll dm you the list.
  11. I mean it's a given that in the future the anticheat will be better developed in terms of detecting cheats (it will get better over time), but I don't think they'll be able to detect submitted .dll files due to how this detection system hasn't been implemented during the game's 12 years of running. What I mean is there could be scarce banwaves that would detect aqn, like, let's say... once a year. The following will probably never happen. The following will probably never happen. The following will probably never happen. The following will probably never happen. If a form of .d
  12. Idk if these are all premium but here you go Pornhub.txt
  13. 1. Bancho won't log your aqn scores as aqn hasn't been .dll detected (which osu can't do). (Only ways you can get banned are from misusing the tools and/or setting blatant plays. Blatant plays include: top 50's on a map as a high 5digit - 6digit (setting a top 50 is key for you to get some watched replays), more than 100pp on a new multiaccount (< a month old) (many 6 digits don't even get up to 75 pp during their first month playing) (using the replay editor and getting an FC on yomi yori as a 6 digit will look legit but will be considered blatant for obvious reasons), and the rest should
  14. hhhh

    wts accounts

    I'll take something add me Klirikzzz#3840
  15. Just as title says, I want replays to edit (because I want to get better at using the program). I’ll try my best to make good/legit replays, since I spend a lot of time on them. (I could edit them to be HR from normal, really bad acc to really good acc, good acc to perfect, etc.). I’ll send you the replay file when I’m finished editing it (or just ping me in AQN discord I’m Klirikzzz in there) (I’ll keep checking back to this post for like the rest of the year).
  16. I would also like lifetime hack before december because I have a lot of money and I want lifetime hack
  17. Maybe at least 2-3 years old, that's all.
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