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Everything posted by ilyt

  1. damn i didnt know that but the way i sent was the reason for the logging, i dont like it being used against me as it wasn't used in a malicious way.
  2. The sunpy thing was resolved between sunpy and I, I was the one who told you about the ainu headers iirc, because I was the one who had them added, it was meant only for yozora at the time, but it ended up being that anyone could detect them. I understand that logging hwids isn't good and it was simply just a line that I forgot to remove when adding the ainu detection, whether or not you believe that is up to you, but i swear that that is the reason it happened. Ask sunpy and i'm pretty sure she'd agree with me as when I spoke to her and explained why it was there she understood and apologised
  3. >the classic you changed!(&!)£!*$ I actually have, though. I've cut ties with many of the people who I would act like a retard around just to seem cool and fit in with them (you know who im talking about, no point naming em) >I'm not switching personalities You are though, you havent even properly spoken to me in like 2 and a half months, how would you know how I act like? how would you know whether or not i am "sketchy". >I am simply not putting up with lies people spew out of their ass. If you say someone stupid, I will call you out for it if i think it will
  4. Cmyui, the "hwid logging" wasn't intentional, it was done while trying to detect ainu, look at the fucking commits from that time period. I edited the message because im sick of you being super nice to me one minute then the next moment you do something like this. Even people like firedigger see this in you, I understand I've fucked up personally in the past, however, no one lets me actually change and try to reform because of things like this. You and rumoi actually did try to pressure me into letting kablaze cheat... Remember when you said if it doesn't get detected you would do the same on
  5. what was i logging though? btw this is coming from the person who said in the navisu discord that he logs everything and its also the same person who pressured kablaze and i into letting rumoi cheat for kablaze on verge as a test for letting rumoi cheat plays on akatsuki (early 2018 btwwwww) but whatever thats cool
  6. ive been trying to help people and set it up for them for forever shame people are idiots and think i am big ratter hacker !!!
  7. Hey guys, ilyt here, I'm just popping in to let you know that this script is stolen. The original script is stolen from Emily/Sunpy by aoba, he fucked it up a ton, then this guy is selling him spending 5 minutes to setup the script? ilyt#1936 on discord... I'll give you a much better ripple installer (me setting it up properly using the most up to date database and shit) for like a dollar or less i dont really care suck my dick idiot
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