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Posts posted by nick01

  1. Hi, was wondering and having some questions about cheating in osu

    Ima just list them, and hopefully somebody can answer, I thank anyone who answers in advance 🙂 


    1. If I were to log-on and cheat maybe 1-2 scores every now and then ( say I cheat 7 scores in one month using something like timewarp ) and then go legit again, will bancho log that I had something else running and eventually ban me in an upcoming banwave? ( assuming I won't end up on r/osureport )

    2. If I were to use timewarp, is it 100% safe ? ( Once again, assuming I use it properly, and don't end up being reported )

    3. Does osu! ban ip's? If not, what do they ban?

    4. How long has the programs been UD for? ( Basically asking when was the last time bancho started banning people for using any of the programs ) Also, what's the chance of bancho eventually picking up on it?

    That's pretty much it, if I can think of anything else I'll just put it as a comment. 

    @rumoi @Kev  ( Sorry for tagging, just wanted to get some re-assuring on the programs ) 

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