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Posts posted by JustWantedToBeGood

  1. Like. When I play nomod I usually get 85~100 UR depending on the map so I change unstable rate between 8~10

    When I play HR I usually get 75~90UR so I use 7~9

    But when I play DT I use like 11~12 because I don't want to get 70UR with DT for example.

    And same goes for Enlighten settings. When playing nomod/HR I usually set the AR to 10. I don't want it to be 10 when playing with DT otherwise I'll get AR11.

    I've been cheating for like 1~2 years already I'm 3 digits and I have a lot of different skillset scores, so I need to be switching values all the time. Having different profiles would help me out a lot. And I'm sure more people want this to happen.


    If we could have different profiles and bind them to our keyboard, we don't even need to access to the menu interface (while it is impossible to stream with)


    I'm pretty sure you can do something so we can have different profiles I don't really know why everything we suggest/want seems to be something that shouldn't exist or isn't needed.

  2. Its mainly to change unstable rate values and max stream bpm, and enlighten values. I don't want to plays double time with 7/8 Unstable rate and AR10 (enlighten value that I use when playing no mod). I think setting up different profiles would be cool. At least 3 profiles

    I think you should listen to your community? I mean we are paying for you services and are giving suggestions. If you're making whatever you want then don't add a suggestions forum section I guess

  3. So I know this has been discussed before (i think) 

    Like if we could save diferrent setting profiles and bind them to our keyboard would be really cool

    The new interface shows up on stream for now and if we could set different profiles and just change them with our keys, then we wouldn't need to open the Menu Interface. 


    Even if the interface gets to be hidden from the stream, it would still be really nice to be able to set different profiles, like for dt, hr and stuff like that... Thanks!

  4. 2 hours ago, eHunnie said:

    It will look weird for streamers to configure it with the mouse though.

    One idea might be to setup an interface for streaming which is configureable with keys only (like the last one).

    yeah we should be able to set the values with our keyboard, when I want to set AR10 it's hard with the mouse, it always goes like 9.98 and jumps to 10.01, not that big of an issue but it's kinda annoying.


    like PGUP/PGDN buttons to switch for example from Relax settings to Timewarp settings and vice versa (basically to navigate thru the different setting pages)

    arrow keys change settings and shit


  5. 35 minutes ago, rumoi said:

    Wow really didn't know! More people don't stream so while I am reworking the entire menu system I decided to forgo that feature for a bit.

    :( will it eventually work on stream?

  6. 3 hours ago, Cryptic said:

    will there be customization? may use this cus my acc is shit but i dont want it to be like perfect where it SS's everything

    you don't need to fix every tap you do a 100/50, you can pass some taps when auto fixing the acc

    watch the replay editor youtube tutorial 


  7. u wont get restricted and noticed by osu (the game). osu "anticheat" is complete trash and you'll only get restricted if you get reported and you are blatant as fuck

    if your account is like older than 1 month it will be okay as long as you don't abuse

    you should get pp from popular pp maps and from maps that people of your rank farm. so people will be like "ok this map has been FC'd by 99999999 people so this play is not impressive" and u wont look suspicious

    the only suspicious thing will be the sudden improvement in terms of pp... going from 1180pp to 4kpp in less than 10 days is suspicious imo

    • Like 1
  8. so im getting used to your skin but

    Will we eventually have a cursor trail and be able to change it's color? And followpoints as well

    It's really confusing for me, the cursor is white and the aproache circles are white aswell. and i'm really used to having a cursor trail

    just asking

    • Like 1
  9. 6 minutes ago, oslo663 said:

    Time warp and enlighten cash my game as well. Can't load nothing :C I try to reinstall loader but not help. Need help 

    Have you tried executing hacks with admin mode?

  10. 1st point- I guess I can just get used to it and tell people I slightly changed my playstyle xd

    2nd point- didn't know that and it's acutally cool. was this implemented recently?

    3rd point- Would be nice

    4th point- When it happens again I can send it to you, can't find one right now


    Edit: We have tap+x right now, will we have MOUSE only (M1+M2)? Not that I really care just curious about that

  11. Okay I know Rumoi and Kev are probably workin' on fixing most of these but I'll still shoot them up, there might be somethings that they are forgeting about(?)


    New Menu:
    - Make it so it goes to the 2nd monitor so we can play with Windowed osu! while streaming, would be really cool if this can happen!


    About relax:
    - Alternating Stream Window and Slider Ending Stream Window should be added, mainly Slider Ending Stream Window imo
    - Relax should still hit when missing a note to avoid Extra Hits/Effortless Misses
    - We should be able to stop the spinner by ourselves, either fix that or make so we can Enable/Disable relax spinner
    - Sometimes I get a lot of fast singetaps but I don't know what it's causing that

    About Replay Editor+Player:
    - When the replay ends, our cursor should be on the place that the play ended, But instead it teleports to when the play started (it looks like we were watching a actual Replay), which is kinda bad if we are livestreaming. This should be something easy to fix I guess

    New Enlighten:
    - Add an option to add cursortrail to the cursor
    - Make more colors for the cursor
    - Add followpoints (some people use them to help reading the map)
    - Add Hit-Error timing bar at the bottom and Key-Input overlay

    Everything else seems to be okay, some minor fixes as the time goes on.

  12. I don't Key Down Length/Stream Window is need anymore cuz it sets up automatically and it's working fine with Max BPM Stream setting


    But Slider Ending Stream Window and Alternating Time Window would be appreciated, specially the Slider thingy, I don't really alternate between sliders but this relax does no matter what


    3 hours ago, rumoi said:

    It really makes streams harder for you? Try following the green dot on streams it might help, some people I know could actually stream better than a normal skin after learning to follow it. Obviously everyone is different.


    I added a option to make the green dot fade in at the original un modified ar so you can keep in tempo with the original ar (not the user defined but the real ar of the map) without looking weird - you should disable the fade for fl obviously. Or did you mean a follow point to make it easier to read for you? Because I could code in a follow line system like osu!'s but it would be synced to the original ar of the song so the aim flow is not broken, I don't know if that would be just wrong to play with.


    Yeah I meant followpoints like the ones we have on our skins (followpoint-1 2 3 etc...), would be cool!

    I use followpoints because I focus on them a lot when playing maps, they make me "read" the map better, not everyone is like that but I think we should be doing something that works for everyone and not just for some people :^P You can take your time tho I'm not in a hurry as I already said previously

    And I don't use those green dots at all because I found them kinda weird at first, I'll try to enable them and see how it goes!

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