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Everything posted by Deremo

  1. Deremo


    Relax Features include, -Control over unstable rate -Option to alternate if over a certain amount of BPM, or you perfect alt like Bubbleman -Max BPM Stream which allows you to not over stream once a certain amount of BPM has been reached -Direction Prediction which allows relax to play along with your rhythm -Wait Late which gives people with slower aim an edge -RCTRL Playback which allows you to enable/disable relax at any point during a map -Press Style which has options of varying playstyles -Blatant Settings which offers, well, blatant settings (I wo
  2. Deremo


    What's up, dude-o?
  3. 1. Use VPN 2. Open up osu! 2.5. I would definitely recommend you leave "Remember Username", and "Remember Password" unchecked no matter what, and at all costs. 3. Pick a slot from 0-50 (If you've loaded up a slot for an account, you have to use another slot for a different account. If I did SLOT 0 for one account, I can't use that slot for another account.) 4. Press update Dejavu and you'll receive big text saying that slot was loaded. (I would recommend doing auto load if you're only using one account for a while.) 5. Log into osu! and you're ready to go! ------- You have to do
  4. Deremo


    hi, no more need for account
  5. You can, but that's not at all a good idea...
  6. You can use a different one every time, but it'd look pretty weird when you're playing in America, and then playing in Canada a few hours later. You should be okay though.
  7. Deremo

    Help please

    Iirc, there's no option for auto-cursor movement. Though there might be something you can do in the Relax tab, under Blatant Options.
  8. Deremo

    replay editor

    My answer might not be the best since I've never had this issue, but run osu!, let it run for a good seven seconds, run the AQN loader, select subscription, and then press "load." It seems like you ran it as normal, but I don't know. Maybe you have a funky AV; try excluding AQN in your AV??? Hopefully someone has a better answer.
  9. Do whatever the hell you want offline. No one cares until you bring it online.
  10. Since it's never happened to me, I'm not certain about my answer, but I think you're okay since your account "technically" wasn't connected to BanchoBot.
  11. It is highly recommended to multi-account with VPN and Dejavu at all times. You'll need a sub (any sub) in order to use Dejavu since it's in the Misc tab. If you don't want to keep paying every single month, then you can wait until December and Early January to buy lifetime subs (they are pretty pricey, but it's worth it if you play osu! a lot.)
  12. If you have, please tell me. I'm just curious on how you did it l:
  13. Ohhhhh. That explains a lot. I thought my aim improved because I'm 2x more wary of my aim when playing relax and if I don't aim well, relax won't auto click well. Thanks!
  14. Answering my own question in-case anyone has the same thought. No, most likely doesn't. There's Aim Assist in the "MISC" tab now, soooo yea.
  15. Again, bought an account from him, but it was really nice this time! I'm hoping to buy another one in the event that I fucc up once more.

  16. Add me "Flaminyo#5385" We can come up with a price, I'm easy to talk to.
  17. The price is $90, but it's very negotiable. Contact me through Discord. Discord: Flaminyo#5385 SOLD
  18. Deremo

    VPN Question

    What are the chances of getting connected to a banned IP Address?
  19. Hey, I'm not sure how anticheat picks up on this or whatever, but I purchased a playtime/playcount booster and I was wondering what is a sure way to boost while not getting banned. Please answer my question, thanks!
  20. Bought an account from him for $9 and I'm very pleased with it. Hopefully I don't get myself banned ;L

  21. I purchased an account from him for $4. I'm currently satisfied with it. Although he's presumably Russian and the characters throw you off when you transfer your money to him, he's a trustable and laudable seller, and his reputation on AQN confirms it.

  22. +rep I bought an account and everything went smooth like rrtyui's aim.

  23. If I turn off relax so I can manually tap, does Direction Prediction stay on? I can definitely feel a change when relax is on and I can barely feel a change when it's off (probably because taps are human and so there's bound to be more mistakes.)
  24. Deremo

    Process List

    Hi, I'm new here. I was wondering if osu! still grabs our process list.
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