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Posts posted by Goku

  1. 16 hours ago, JustWantedToBeGood said:

    wait for like 2 weeks and you can set 200 pp scores but it will be really suspicious and if someones sees that you'll most likely get banned.

    you should farm Play Count and Playtime first before you set some higher pp scores like 150pp+

    or buy an account if you dont want to wait

  2. 1 hour ago, Caspar said:

    Ok. I have a dynamic IP address/modem so I can change it easily. Is there any tutorials on how to use Dejavu?

    open the launcher, click on dejavu, add a new profile, image.png.ba564d0c67743e60413479e927cd0490.png click on the all random button, apply the profile, wait for it till it says its applied and youre good to go

  3. 4 minutes ago, JustWantedToBeGood said:


    They are random, sometimes I can play but a lot of times I can't (started happening after the latest update I guess), and ONLY (IIRC) happens when I try to use ScoreV2.

    You only have to watch 0:00~20 to check settings and 1:55~2:18 to see the game crashing with ScoreV2 (same settings)

    the vid got copyright striked

  4. 6 hours ago, kekek said:

    I havent been on here since the update and I didnt know if you guys took down the auto bot to make a new *better* one or not, any replies would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

    it still exists, and a rework to make it look legit is planned. however, its not a priority right now

  5. im looking for an account with at least 30k+ playcount, if possible 2+ years of registration date (not really important) and it has to be from a country where many players are registered in it

    dont even try to sell me overpriced shit, i know the prices

    discord Mosilein#6150

  6. rumoi said that installing .net 4.6.1 fixes it

    the tips below might help

    1) Having certain recording software in the background while loading seems to mess things up on certain peoples computers

    2) For some reason repairing osu! fixed some loading issues for other users

    3) Are you using Windows 7? There was a weird windows 7 version that did some un defined behavior (unlikely as the loader seems to be fine) so checking for updates might help

  7. 12 minutes ago, ChingChongLing said:

    Edit:  If time warp would be detectable are there any other good clients that would be good and not as detectable?

    none of the clients are detected, and they werent in the past afaik

    what gets you usually banned are other people looking at your profile/plays, so you have to look not suspicious on your profile and on your plays

  8. 4 hours ago, Lycoris said:

    No, this is fine.

    dude literally EVERYONE tells u that its way too overpriced, it isnt fine at all


    Buyer can just play and get to some rank

    how are people supposed to climb in ranks at 1,1k raw pp without looking suspicious in a short amount of time, it would take several months too get relatively high in ranks

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