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Posts posted by kekek

  1. 35 minutes ago, Deallly said:

    ya much better, i didnt wanna pressure you into lowering your prices either if you felt that way.

    No it's alright lower prices might help get more people to buy aswell

  2. On 3/30/2019 at 11:30 AM, Pepe said:

    Sorry for double posting. I would prefer to answer that separately.

    It should be doable, I guess. Are there any advices how to play like actual trash. Like, I could obviously just use very abstruse keybinds hard to reach with my finger or set the mouse dpi too low / high to screw up really bad. And if so, is there a guideline when / how to improve? For example: First 10 hours: less than 10 pp, next 30 hours: 10-20pp and so on? I would appreciate if you can send me a link or something, when something like that exists.

    pepe just dm me on discord random#9501

  3. 2 hours ago, Deallly said:

    this might just be me but the prices are a bit wack

    when selling small amounts to bulk prices should go:

    a bit expensive for smaller amounts > cheaper for bulk amounts

    this might just be me but i can understand that 7 entire days of playtime might take time

    do they look better now? if not dm me on discord

  4. 47 minutes ago, Goku said:


    I made it cheaper but idk lol its mostly for peoples multi accounts that don't want to get playtime/playcount on them themselves

  5. On 1/31/2019 at 6:59 PM, Sky said:

    edited replays will not be able to be detected as long as you don't edit in a retarded way. You wont get caught if you edit your own replays and submit them.

    should also add to turn on filter score submission if youre going to be editing your replay or do a replay offline, if you get suspected they may want all of your replays on a map if you have more than one


  6. On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 10:05 PM, The_Chill_Kid said:

    If I were to act like a completely new player and get over 20pp in my first day would i get auto banned


    like playing 1 star and 2 star maps and getting rlly low acc

    I don't think, if youre not setting too insane of scores then you shouldn't get banned. What do you think @solis

  7. Is it possible to make the keys press down for longer so they dont look as mechanical? In my replays and Ive seen some others aswell, its incredibly easy to see theyre relax cheating just by how fast the key presses down and comes back up. I know there used to be an old setting for this but I was unsure if I'm missing something or if there was an issue with the old settings, etc.

  8. I'll pay $40-$70 depending on the account.

    Discord: itsuka#2829

    Im desperate af I tried multi accting but i dont have the patience. I'll pay upfront as long as theres proof of the account being real and everything.

    pls dont rip me off lmao im broke as fuck rn i just miss playing


    MUST be osu!std

  9. I had an idea about a relax bot that has a BPM cap, if it goes above the BPM (you put in in the settings) it starts getting misses and 50's. This would be helpful to reduce detection, especially among streamers who get people sending in troll maps to expose them (similar to the situation with Sony; reference the first clip). I can understand that it probably wont be a priority, just a suggestion.


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