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Everything posted by trance11

  1. tested on some square jump maps and it works so good. How legit does it look to people though? It certainly feels good when you use it. eg thats 7.7* dt squares - Various Artists - Square Jump Practice Maps [BPM149 Distorted Reality Holy Crap!!That's Square jump!! AR8] (2020-03-17) Osu.osr - Various Artists - Square Jump Practice Maps [BPM149 Distorted Reality Holy Crap!!That's Square jump!! AR8] (2020-03-17) Osu.osr
  2. I just use timewarp and auto with a macro to reset the map roughly 3/4 of the way through. Play count isn't everything, total hits is a factor to...dude with 5k playcount playing only 2k+ combo maps until the end every time will seem more experienced then a guy who's got 20k playcount backing out of sotarks tv spam every 20 seconds. I've got about 20 odd multis on 30k to 60k playcount that look like diehard players playing 3-5 minutes maps 500-800 times. Obviously...don't do it on an account you care about...just do it to build the account up, leave it a bit before playing then start. I'v
  3. Anything that has your hit values spread across a certain range...especially around the UR11 mark on OD8 DT will miraculously spread all your hits across the entire 300 range...if people spot this on multiple plays its blatant relax and doesn't look legit at all compared to how a good player - who consistently sets scores, has high level aim and reading would hit notes...it would be low UR and a tight hit spread. Sometimes the odd over/understream to drop acc. Varies depending on the map ofc. Miss-aiming is completely out of the question now with all the losers on Osu report who seemingly don'
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