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Everything posted by rumoi

  1. Fixed it for them in discord pms, the solution was installing .net framework 4.6.1
  2. Set your obs capture mode to 'Game Capture' and you should see that the preview (and subsequently the video feed) will show only osu.
  3. Did you ever share your account? If you were sharing or one of your accounts was hacked they could be confusing someone else as you.
  4. rumoi


    As I explained in my first post if you want this resolved you will need to first resolve your original ban. Under normal circumstances I would let such a transgression slide if the user genuinely realized they were in the wrong and happily took their last chance of using my services with obvious empathy and acceptance of their previous actions. Hell I even sometimes add extra subscription time to make up for the layover. Your modus operandi for this situation consisted of a 2 stage plan, Primary step being you assuming everyone else is an NPC and feigning ignorance will somehow chang
  5. rumoi


    Hmm yes payment software error, in july of last year no less. "Maybe if i say 'it didnt happen but even if it did happen xd it was your error' it will magically spawn a timeline where they will act like oblivion guards and just forget what happened!" - Sorry but you fail this real life charm roll.
  6. rumoi


    This is not the support ticket que but w/e This is because you tried to avoid a previous accounts payment related ban, if you want to use the program in the future you must first resolve your original accounts ban.
  7. Fixed now, ports closing as soon as I sleep part 47.
  8. I reopened the server ports, try now.
  9. It is now over. It's that time of year again. Will be handled much the same as the last. Acquire the tokens and send me a pm with what lifetime options you would like. I will deduct your tokens accordingly. Relax, Timewarp, Enlighten, Mania, Taiko - 70 USD (8000 tokens) Each Replay Editor - 100 USD (12000 tokens) Master - 175 USD (21000 tokens)
  10. I'm doing some UI reworks right now but once it's complete I will look into this. It can't be a simple 'ignore spinners' hack job. This could cause so many edge cases were users will cause the relax to do weird shit, for this to be up to my standards relax will have to be updated so it is able to comprehend user keyboard inputs (much like how it can to players aim) and adapt its functions accordingly.
  11. Neither of us are in the EU so we do not know how that would work, but we can try. Pop me a private message.
  12. Was asleep and the server decided to close the login servers port. I re opened the ports now.
  13. Was asleep and the server decided to close the login servers port. I re opened the ports now.
  14. Was asleep and the server decided to close the login servers port. I re opened the ports now.
  15. As long as you only change once a day you will be fine.
  16. It was removed from a constant slew of people having 'weird aquila bugs' from enabling it by 'accident' - In the future I can easily add a toggle to disable your key presses.
  17. Deleting the loader would be enough.
  18. Use the arrow keys to go down into the misc area of the streamer menu and disable streamer mode to get the normal menu back.
  19. Hey it means you can click m1 to press earlier (it might be later would have to consult the code) and m2 for the inverse of that. It is meant for mouse players.
  20. Hey, Kev made it a pretty vague message so I updated it. In the past osu update peppy added new anticheat measurements. I am currently looking into the full ramifications of this change and want to make sure with very high accuracy that users are safe, so for now only admins/devs can run the cheat until I can scope it out.
  21. rumoi


    None of us are in a country where we can actually use paysafe cards, you will have to convert it into a payment offer we accept either through a service or asking a friend.
  22. Turn off bongo cat :) You do not even need to disable playback to press.
  23. Why. 'Edge Hits' is literally such a big meme, 99% of cases that is shown are straight up not on the edge. 'Edge Hits' are no indication of cheats. On another note you can see close hits already by increasing the circle size under the hit leniency settings. (f1->editor settings)
  24. rumoi

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